About us
Who are we?
Who does the "Scepsis" consist of?
Whom does the "Scepsis" need?
How to publish an article in the "Scepsis"?
Who are we?
We are -
Young (so far) people: teachers and academics, students and postgraduates, just sceptics;
Rational thinkers;
Atheists and anticlerecalists;
Ready to debate with any opponent;
Looking for like-minded people. Maybe for you.
At the same time we do NOT:
Belong to any political party as we are sick and tired of the existing ones;
Depend on any outside financial sources as we don't want to take orders on what to write;
Want to make a living on it - we don't think education can be sold as goods;
Pay fees as we can't afford it.
Who does the "Scepsis" consist of?
The editors
Senior Editor Sergey Soloviev
Executive Editor Dmitry Subbotin
Sections Editors
   Politics, religion Alexander Averyushkin
   Education Michael Dremov
   Phylosophy Olga Vyshegorotseva
   Archaeology of Knowledge Nina Dmitrieva
   History Sergey Soloviev
   Translation Maria Desyatova
   Reviews Dmitry Subbotin
Programming Alexey Moskvin, Ivan Kharlamov, Eugene Manushkin
Design Dr Orwell Gonzo
Rustam Sadykov, Alexander Averyushkin
Alexander Boev, Eugenia Spasskaya, Dmitry Subbotin
Editorial council
Professor Dr. Bocharov V.A.
Professor Dr. Gobozov I.A.
Professor Dr. Muraviov Y.A.
Professor Dr. Semenov Y.I.
Whom does the "Scepsis" need?
Readers - we are always glad to hear from you and you can express your opinion by e-mail;
Authors - both the magazine and the site will benefit from your articles;
Distributors - if there is yet no "Scepsis" in your town, local library or round-the-corner bookshop, help us to bring it there;
People who can help with scanning - we know a lot of good books which for some reason are not to be found in the net yet;
People who can donate money - we publish the magazine with our own funds and we will welcome any help.
How to publish an article in the "Scepsis"?
The editors of the "Scepsis" enter into correspondence with the authors, sometimes review and even publish some of the texts you send us. If you want your text to appear in the magazine or on the site
Save it in Word 6.0\95, Word 97, Word 2000 or rtf format and mail it to us as an attachment;
In the body of the letter give the name, topic and a gist of your text.
e-mail: |  |
We'll no doubt read it, decide on whether to publish it and inform you of our decision.