This double issue of the magazine is dedicated to the problems of restructuring the educational system. We looked at the process going on currently in this country and provided both ‘an insight’ publishing interviews with school teachers, authors of textbooks, programs and curriculums, those taking part in laying out the regulations for the new educational system. One of the major stumbling blocks here is the Unified State Examination, which is currently being introduced in schools and higher educational institutions. The changes taking place in the sphere of education, both secondary and higher, are harshly criticized by the authors of the articles and taken together the data and the analysis of the issue provide quite a fair view on the way things stand at the moment. [Summary №3/4]
<...> The article by Professor Yuri Semionov entitled "Scepticism and Ideological Fashion in Science" is focused on the problem of "creating scientific idols", when well-known people of the scientific world become living classics due to some promotion activities similar to those PR campaigns which are launched to make popular the name of this or that politician or pop-star. It becomes quite clear for the reader of Pr. Semionov's article that the names of Russian and Western philosophers like O. Spengler, P.A. Sorokin, A.J. Toinby, L. Wittgenstein, K. Popper, N.A. Berdyaev, L. von Mises, L.N. Gumilev which substituted the names of Marx and Lenin in the minds and speeches of post-Soviet scientists are simply idolized. [Summary №2]
When opening a new quarterly called "Scepsis" ("scepticism"), what should the reader expect to discover inside? Most likely, burning philosophical, ethical and moral issues together with heated debates between the believers and those advocating the idea of atheism. Undoubtedly, the necessity of some historical background supplement and critical essays would also occur. And finally, to spice it all up, some satirical or humorous section. [Summary №1]